Wednesday, July 14, 2010

whine-o wednesday

Whine-O Wednesday, you know just like happy hour. Except this happy hour was a disaster, and not happy at all. On the menu was a 7 mile run, but what I got on my plate was a 35 minute run, seasoned with a lot of walking.

I know that there are going to be bad days, and I need to accept it. In fact, to think that all my runs are going to go well is insane- there is a really good change I'm only going to feel great or even good on 1 run/week. Today's run has happened in the past, and is usually the point where I give up. So, after blogging about it, I'm going to resolve to have a better run tomorrow.

I felt pretty lethargic all day, I just couldn't shake it. I was yawning on the phone with customers (mute button is a blessing), which never happens. At the end of the day, I knew I needed to lace up and hit the road. I went to the running store and got a new pair of shoes and tank top that I thought would entice me to get moving. When I started out, the goal was to run for 35 minutes turn around and come back. Even from my first step I didn't feel like I was breathing right, my stride was off, feet felt hot, etc. I was trying to relax and shake it out, but it didn't get me very far. When this kind of thing has happened in the past I've gotten really worked up. I was proud with how I handled myself- I kept my emotions in check and understood that my body/mind just couldn't handle it today. I walked around for about 5 minutes, then turned around and walk/ran home.

Beyond having a crappy run, there were tons of women my age out running today...clipping what looked to be an 8 minute/mile pace...with their shirts off and perfect stomachs showing. I mean, really? REALLY? It's so hard not to compare myself to them as is, much less when I'm having a crappy run. Such is life, right?

Phil is gone tonight, so I was coming home to an empty house. When I walked in, I saw a note from Phil saying "Call me when you get home, you're making me so proud. 7 miles!" That's what I love about him- he's just so supportive of it all. When I signed up for the race, Phil's response was ecstatic. He decided not to run it himself so he can bike along the route and be my #1 fan. When I texted him about the run tonight, he reminded me that I'm working really hard and it's ok to have a bad run. It was just what I needed- someone in my corner to make a bad run feel less horrible.

After a run like this, I'm really nervous for the big 14-miler this weekend. I'm going to make it a goal for the next couple of days just to relax about it.

Ok, let's end this on a positive note- it's taken me over a month to get to this bad of a run! I'm up to 14 miles, which is a challenge but nothing I can't accomplish. Mind over matter!

1 comment:

  1. Bird...

    I've decided to have wine-o-wednesdays in your honor. (No that is not a typo)

    Great blog! I am so proud of you. I thought about starting a running blog myself, but then I realized all I could write on it would be this:

    "I thought about going for a run today...."

    No really, I am so proud of you! Wish I could be there on Oct. 3rd to see you!
    Stay strong girlie. Remember: If it was easy everyone would do it...being hard is what makes it great.
