Friday, July 9, 2010

Musical Motivation.

The past couple of days have been relatively easy, and tomorrow isn't the longest run I have to do so I've been feeling good. I realized today that next week is going to kick my butt. I add an extra mile in each run during the week, and bump to the unknown distance of 14 miles on the weekend next week. I'm trying not to stress out about it, but gosh that's a lot of miles! I'm trying to strategize how to attack the runs, and what my motivation will be.

Music used to be my refuge during runs. It would push me faster and further. The songs were picked by hand, with several playlists for each kind of run I would do. There were lists for hills, speedwork and distance runs. There were names like "run longer!" "get moving" "don't stop till you get enough". It was all birds and sunshine..until I cut cold turkey. Let me explain. The music happened in the gym, not on the road. There were people yaking away, I wasn't actually going anywhere, and the scenery included sweaty guys grunting on the weight machines. NO THANK YOU! I found I needed to escape it all. I've transitioned to the road, folks.

Road running is so different for me. I want to be safe, and hear what's going on around me. Instead of grunting, I can hear birds chirping, kids playing, and zone out in the scenic road rather than my music. Plus, I fidget with it. Once I start to sweat the earbuds fly out of my ears. The case irritates my hip, and the cord bounces around my neck in the most irritating way possible. Now, on top of all of that...there are a group of runners "THEM" who are purist runners and think iPods are for wusses. I'm not a wuss! I'm training for a marathon, damn it! Ha- seriously though, it is kind of fun to see people's reactions when you say I don't use an iPod. They look at you like your crazy when you say you're running double-digit miles (at once...) but when you don't listen to music they think you've gone off the deep-end. So, maybe it's the reaction I'm going for. Or maybe I just don't want to get hit by a car.


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