Wednesday, August 11, 2010

WHY would you run that far?

Good question, right? I get asked it all the time. Usually accompanied by looks of bewilderment. So, here's my answer ( in no particular order)

1. I've always done it. My stepdad, Steve, asked me what my skills were when I was in middle school. I had zero. His reply: everyone can run, go out for cross-country.
2. I get to wear running clothes more than you do. They're super comfy and I can always use the excuse that I'm about to go running. What excuse do you have for wearing sweats?
3. Running clothes come in pink. Silly, but true. I like running more in a pink shirt than a blue one. I'm a girl and proud of it.
4. Stress Reliever.
5. You can sweat it out. Crabby moods, frustrations and cranky customers are no match for a good, hard run.
6. Sense of community. When you run before dawn, and see someone else it feels like a secret club.
7. Racing is fun.
8. It gives me a sense of accomplishment. Not everyone can run as far as I do, and it's a monumental accomplishment to run a marathon.
9. Keeps me fit.
10. Phil and I can do it together. It's amazing how close we've become since running all these miles together. We're relying on each other in new ways, and it's been really fulfilling for our relationship.
11. It's contagious. Watching marathons got me into running one. From all the running Phil and I do, we have several friends who started to traing for their first 5K, or 1/2 marathon. It's awesome that it spreads so easily!
12. Conversation Starter. Nothing jumpstarts conversations more than "I'm training for a marathon" Non-runners are mystified and ask a million questions (which I LOVE! Seriously, keep asking!!) Runners like to talk shop about it.
13. It makes me feel good about myself.

Although there are plenty of other reasons, these are the ones I've thought about recently. If you haven't considered training for your first race yet- please do! It's so rewarding!!

Have a great night,

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