Sunday, June 20, 2010

6 miles.

This week's long run was a 6-miler. I knew it was going to be hot, so I hit the pavement at 8 a.m. I was a fool for thinking the sun wouldn't get me. Lesson learned- if I want to avoid heat I need to get our around 6:30-7am. Given how much stuff we have going on this summer, I don't know how easy it's going to be getting up that early on a Saturday morning. But, it's what I signed up for so here I am- saying it out loud- I'll be an early bird this summer.

The run yesterday was pretty decent. I cut it a little short, but felt good the whole time. I'm a terrible runner in the heat- I just get really worked up, emotional, and moody when I'm hot. Usually I end up walking a little bit to cool myself down, and need to get past that. I'll never make the long runs if I keep walking. I didn't walk yesterday, so that was an accomplishment. When I was done with my run, I picked up Wilson (my dog) and went for a cool-down run. He is so happy when he's running! I need to model myself after him when running- how great would it be to not worry about pace, let my tongue hang out, and chase after whatever catches my eye?!

Today and tomorrow are essentially rest days, and running begins again on Tuesday. I'm taking a vacation to Phil's family cabin in Nashauk, MN next week so no blogging will be done. I'll let you know how running on vacation goes in a couple weeks.

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