Saturday, October 2, 2010

Marathon Eve.

Today is the last day I can claim I've never run a marathon!  As of tomorrow, I have one more stat on the ole' resume of life.  (ha, so nerdy to say that)  I'm bummed I couldn't go to Farm Aid- it would have been really fun.  But, I am definitely relaxed and enjoying the day.  My brother Danny and his girlfriend Nikki came down for the race, and to hang out today.  I haven't seen Danny in a really long time so it's been nice to hang out.

We just finished dinner- I made a spaghetti, brussel sprouts and garlic bread.  Yes, you're supposed to load up on carbs before a big race, but that's not why I made it.  Above all, it's something I eat regularly and won't give me an upset stomach the day of the race.  I'm also enjoying a small glass of wine (while hydrating on water) so I'm feeling nice and relaxed.  In fact,when I'm done with this I'm going to do some dishes and catch up on Grey's and Private Practice (which, is terrible by the way-private practice that is. but, I've invested too much time into it to quit now)

Overall, my sentiment is pretty relaxed.  I'm getting antsy to get started of course, but I'm letting myself just enjoy tonight without getting stressed out.  At this point, there isn't anything else I can do, right!?

Next time I write, I'll be a marathoner :-)

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