Sunday, March 21, 2010

Caution: I'm about to brag.

I have to be honest, I'm not great with running outside. I've been a treadmill rat for so long, it's just easier for me. I dial the speed I want to go, put a towel over the stats and run. I get to people watch and in general tune out what my body is feeling while I'm running. With the weather turning the opportunity to stay outside and run is too great to ignore. Thus begins my adventure with learning my real pace, and figuring out just how far I went.

Usually Phil is with me, which is great because he has runs mapped out all over town. He's at work today, so it was up to me to tie up my laces. With my 1/2 marathon in 7 weeks, I need to learn to do this on my own. Once I was dressed I headed out and to my surprise- the sun was out! It felt amazing having it beat down on me, and keep me warm against the wind. I made it farther than I've gotten in a loooong time outside. It felt amazing. I went what I believe to be 9 miles, although I honestly have no clue how far it was. I've never mapped it out, and my watch stopped I'm guessing it was 9. Not bad, right?

Here's the thing- I was confident during the run. I've been reading a lot of articles about pros, and their mental attitudes during their runs. The common factor? Confidence. Whether they truly believe they are the best, or are faking it to trick their body/mind it works. Kara Goucher has a huge confidence issue, yet runs a 2:30 marathon. One of her tactics is to use short phrases to convince herself she's worthy of her titles. When the tough gets going, she repeats the phrase (ex: confident, world class athlete) to drill into her brain that she can do it. During races, she's able to rely on her strength during hard runs and catapult into another category of running. Now, I'm not shooting for a record breaking race-but, I am determined to break my personal goals and race beyond my comfort zone. I need to have faith that the miles I've built up are worth something. I'm generally a modest person, but I'm allowing myself to brag during my runs. How fantastic, right?!

One of the best feelings is when I pass a runner on my way out (the first half of my run) and again on the way back-it's a sense of commonality and achievement. I'm acknowledged as a serious runner, which is such a strange concept for me. But, it turns out not everyone can get up on a Sunday morning, lace up and run double digit mileage. I feel completely empowered that my body is so strong, and only going to get stronger as time passes.

Ok, ok, I'm done bragging...for now. Next week my long run is 10 miles, so I'm sure you'll hear about it. :)

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